Our Family Mission

My personal custody battle began in 2009 - I fought in pro se to protect my children for almost a decade. In 2019, I did have wonderful attorney(s) come on board for the remaining chapter and we successfully terminated my ex-husband’s parental rights which is a nearly impossible feat in California (and in most states). This allowed my husband, Glenn, to adopt my daughters and now, we have our happily ever after. Wait…

(Insert the sound of screeching brakes)

How do you have “happily ever after” when you’ve witnessed such a broken institution that cares more about appeasing adults and being “fair” than it does about protecting the most vulnerable members of our society: our children. “In the best interest” of the child sounds flowery and nice - but it’s not what is happening in the family court system. I can’t “unsee” the injustice that I have witnessed over the past decade. I can’t “unhear” the little girl who laid on my couch in fetal position, sobbing because she is being molested and no one believes her.

My happily ever after is advocacy - not for mother’s rights or father’s rights but for children’s rights. This is not only my mission - its become my family’s mission.

Welcome to our “Family Court Awareness Month” journey - we hope this is the beginning of an annual family tradition. Over the course of our November journey, you will get to know my family: Me (Tina), Glenn (Hubby), Makena (age 15) and Kailani (13).


And We’re Off!