We will come together at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse at 111 N. Hill St., Los Angeles, CA for a peaceful protest to raise awareness of the issues within the family court system. We demand a family court system that prioritizes child safety above parental rights. We demand that the voices of children be heard. We demand that abuse is no loner silenced, but properly investigated. We demand an end to reunification camps. We demand proper training, real accountability, and effective oversight. We demand a seat at the table to ensure survivor’s lived experiences inform judicial policy.
To RSVP or for more information, email: info@familycourtawarenessmonth.org
Details: We will begin setting up at 7:30AM in Grand Park on the North side of Stanley Mosk Courthouse. Arrive early. Wear Blue. Bring signs. Parking ($18 to $30), and here are some options: https://tinyurl.com/y2makmcu.
#FamilyCourtAwarenessMonth #TeamPiqui #JusticeforSaraandSophia #JusticeForAllMurderedandAbusedChildreninFamilyCourtCases #JusticeForMayaAndSebastian #EndReunificationCamps #TenMoreCAKidsGoneForever2022 #110CACitiesandCounties2022 #StopTheMadness #GovernorNewsomChildSafetyFirst