We need YOUR help to put Family Court Awareness Month on the map in YOUR community!
The family court system is failing to protect children. Parental rights currently trump child safety. The very system that was established to govern family law cases and make decisions that are “in the best interest” of children, has some undeniable shortcomings that warrant awareness, conversation, solutions and ultimately, change.
Family Court Awareness Month 2022
Confirmation of 370 jurisdictions in 29 states for proclamations, resolutions, or certificates to declare November as Family Court Awareness Month recognizing the importance of a court system that prioritizes child safety. 15 states proclaim that November is Family Court Awareness Month.
Nearly 5 million impressions from billboards across the country with several of those boards honoring children who have been murdered as a result of family court failure to protect.
Peaceful demonstrations and candlelight vigils held at multiple locations across the country.
A series of virtual conferences and informative panel sessions throughout the month with elected officials, thought leaders, advocates, and survivors.
International expansion as UK advocates stage a protest, “Hold Up Your Hands,” outside the Civil Justice Centre.
History: Family Court Awareness Month was created in 2020 by Tina Swithin, founder of One Mom’s Battle. The goal of Family Court Awareness Month is to shine a spotlight on systemic issues that are placing children in harms way. In collaboration with Sandra Ross of California Protective Parents Association, the inaugural year was memorialized with a cross-country tour that started in California and ended in North Carolina. Along the way, Swithin stopped in seven major cities to meet with media, domestic violence advocates, family court professionals, and with survivors of post separation abuse. Click here for our history.

The first step in creating change is raising awareness. This is your call to action. We need your help to put this on the map in your community (city, county or state).
“There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.” - Nelson Mandela
What Is YOUR Family Court Story? #MyFamilyCourtStory
Please submit your story for us to share (anonymously) beginning November 1, 2021.
In The News
‘Social justice advocates raise awareness of efforts to improve child safety in the family court system’
News 12
History that we built together
Learn about our achievements in 2020